Special Border Economic Zone (SBEZ)

The Bukit Kayu Hitam Special Border Economic Zone (SBEZ) is a new development covering approximately 11,000 acres of land located near the border area of Kedah and Sadao, Thailand. It consists of the Kedah Science & Technology Park (KSTP) and Kota Perdana SBEZ (KPSBEZ).

KSTP focuses on two components – the Global Research Centre (GRC) and Modern Industrial Park – as economic drivers for Kedah through applied research and development. KSTP is expected to create 23,242 new jobs for the locals and contribute approximately RM72.7 billion to Malaysia’s GDP.

KSTP focuses on two components – the Global Research Centre (GRC) and Modern Industrial Park – as economic drivers for Kedah through applied research and development. KSTP is expected to create 23,242 new jobs for the locals and contribute approximately RM72.7 billion to Malaysia’s GDP.

KPSBEZ is envisioned to be the safest, most efficient and sustainable integrated logistics services hub in the region, offering an excellent business environment, and focusing on the development of sustainable and efficient logistic chains, clusters and modes of transport.